Monday, February 20, 2012

How can I handle pressure in a basketball game? How can I be a better driver and attack the rim?

When I am practicing basketball, I practice game like situatuions. I can pull up on a jumper, and I can drive to the hoop. But when I am in a game, I can't crossover, pull up on a shot, or drive in. All I can do is catch and shoot. How can I fix this? Also, tell me how to perfect my floater and my left handed layup.How can I handle pressure in a basketball game? How can I be a better driver and attack the rim?Well i would say first when you practice, try to play pick up games with friends and practice attacking the rim then because it gives it more of a game feeling, not to mention you will get good at scoring with contact. Next in a game try to keep yourself calm, and have some confidence in your driving ability and you will gradually get better. As for the floater practice soft one handed shots directly in front of the rim and then start doing the driving type floaters. Left handed layup, dribble for like 5 minutes with only your left hand and then put your right hand in your pocket and just do one handed lefty layups and then add your guide hand (that sounds backwards but it's better that way)How can I handle pressure in a basketball game? How can I be a better driver and attack the rim?
first of all left hand and floater is all practice but in the game, try to ignore the defender when doing the floater. as for driving the best driver doesnt drive many times but is effective when driving. when driving dry to work on not turning the ball over. you don't have to float the ball in everytime. you can pass it back out for an open shot. try to only drive when you have it because as i said about not driving that much. also some good moves in the paint while driving is where you jump and put the ball over your head while splitting two defenders or going right in front of one. try to save a step or two when doing this. when driving you can never go wrong with going right into a defender for a foul. whenever your in trouble, force a foul. another move is the euro step but i cant describe it. just go to nike basketball website and watch manu ginobili do it. also the BEST way to handle pressure is to stay calm. if someone gets close to u either beat him or hold the ball away from him. if you beat him once he wont guard you close anymore. as for pressure in the paint as i said try to ignore the defenders when shootingHow can I handle pressure in a basketball game? How can I be a better driver and attack the rim?Well first if you want to drive to the basket and embarass your opponents then you need to make outside jumpers. After that when your defender starts guarding you close that's when you let him know not to try it or else play at his own risk of a broken ankle.

When your defender starts guarding you close you can do either 2 things:

1. You can decide to do the JAB STEP to freeze up the defender and open up the lane for you. The jab step is extremely effected and you really don't need mad handles like D.Wade to do it, all you need is QUICKNESS %26amp; SPEED. And you don't need mad handles. It is easy to do but I don't find it FUN though because all what you are doing is just blowing by your opponent.

2. You can try to shake him by doing BASIC crossover dribbles. Yes, basic. Do you think that D.Wade or Kobe shakes their defenders by doing advanced dribbling moves, no. All what they actually do is just dribble the ball low from one hand to the other very quickly(crossover). When dribbling the ball low in that manner(crossover) you BAIT the defender to get low %26amp; to reach for a steal, when the defender fails to steal the ball they actually causes themselves to be out of position %26amp; unbalance which gives you an open lame to the basket.

Pay CLOSE attention to how these player perform the move.

To learn to become a better crossover dribbler all you have to do is dribble the ball hard from one hand to the other back and forth.

If you do that, trust me you will become a better dribbler.How can I handle pressure in a basketball game? How can I be a better driver and attack the rim?
Just pratice your lay up. most people nowaadays dont do that, when they are alone they prefer to shoot a jumper because they are embarrased to practice lay ups w/c is wrong, just attack the basket.look for an open lane, when someone blocks you lane pass it to your teammates who are open.Just lay it in soft in lay ups, dont over use you arm, have a soft touch to your fingers not your arm. good luckHow can I handle pressure in a basketball game? How can I be a better driver and attack the rim?Just be confident and know that your better than the defender. Plus, when you drive make sure you know where everyone on the court is. Also, when you shoot make sure there is someone there to get the rebound.How can I handle pressure in a basketball game? How can I be a better driver and attack the rim?
Better ball handling skills, go do some drills or try a new position or sport
I was also a pure shooter before I expanded my game. The key is to build the foundations to your moves with individual practice, then perfect them vs competition. The first thing you should do is just simple ball handling drills. Even if you just dribble the ball for 10 minutes standing still... doing crossovers, between the legs, behind the back, it will still be helpful. Something you should do is zig-zag up and down the court, about fifteen feet each direction. As you come to a stop, cut back with either a cross-over, between the legs, or even a spin or behind the back. But make sure on your cross over its very low and crisp, and its a great idea to step back as you do it just slightly. For instance, if you are heading to the right and going to cross left, plant your right foot, step back with your left and cross over diagonally a little back. This way, a long armed defender cant poke the ball away. This stuff will help if you are being pressured as you bring the ball up if you have any guard duties. Trust me, there will always be people faster or more athletic than you, but if you go hard in one direction and cut back quickly, they wont be able to stay on you tight. You have the advantage of knowing when you are going to cut back.

The next thing is working on fakes when you first catch the ball. If you are a good catch and shoot guy thats great, cause if you hit a few defenders will start flying out to you. So perfect the pump fake, and when the defender gets off their feet, go past them and take one dribble and pull up, or go to the hoop with the floater. Best way to practice this is just by doing it a lot. But the key here is faking before you make the move, it can be a pump fake or a quick jab in one direction, then go the other.

The third thing is just get a signature go-to move. Everyone has something they do when they are pressured and dont have time to really think. A lot of people have a little hesitation/ fake crossover and continue the same direction that works really well. If you want to break people down off the dribble, which I'm not sure is your game, then you can practice moves for that too. There is an Allen Iverson cross-over mix on youtube that I watched once and I developed a very sharp cross-over, so sharp I once cut back too hard and twisted my ankle =\ If you are looking for moves, you can always study NBA players on youtube or in games... though college point guards would be preferable. They have much better fundamentals and dont rely on their athleticism as much. The key to being a good ball handler is lots of practice, and low, crisp dribbling. Make sure you keep your body between ball and your defender also.

Once you feel comfortable with your moves, go try them out on the court. Usually, they feel really good in practice but arent quick enough with real defenders, so then youll have to work on it some more, but dont be discouraged. The more you practice, and teh quicker your movements and fakes, you will eventually be very tough to guard. Also play to your strengths, some guys drive to the hoop with pure quickness, others just get their defenders a little off balance then power past, others are just crafty and mix up their games with floaters and step back jumpers. If you get a player going one way and he is on your tight, you cant always give him a "little" bump like you are trying to cut in front of him then jump back and shoot a quick jumper. It is a move JJ Reddick perfected and broke the ACC record with, along with just great pure shooting of course.

Everyone has a different game and is unique. The bottom line is you should study players and their moves as much as you can, practice them, and become efficient with them against real defenders by playing a lot of pick up games. Soon your game will start opening up.
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