Thursday, February 23, 2012

What is the most reliable game rating website that is accurate to what they're saying about games?

Because some game raters bag on games that don't even deserve to be bagged on, so I need to know a game rater that's true to what they say.What is the most reliable game rating website that is accurate to what they're saying about games?I recommend the best site of arcade games, the site is in spanish JUEGOS.

the juegos site is http://www.jugandogratis.comWhat is the most reliable game rating website that is accurate to what they're saying about games?Rating games is very subjective. It often depends on the reviewer, if he likes the game/genre or not.

I have found that it's not as easy as relying on one site only. I have had sites/reviewers I usually trust come down bad on games I like. So what I do is check several game-sites and based on several reviews try to form an overall opinion.

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