Thursday, February 23, 2012

What was the average number of points per game in the last 5 games?

After 15 games, Ben's average (mean) number of points per game was 17. After 20 games his average had increased to 21.

What was his average number of points per game in the last 5 games????What was the average number of points per game in the last 5 games?Average (mean) = total number of points / number of games.

Total number of points = Average (mean) * number of games.

After 15 games, his average is 17 per game. This means he had 17*15 = 255 points total.

After 20 games, his average is 21 per game. This means he had 21*20 = 420 points total.

From 15 to 20 games (meaning, the last five games), he made 420 - 255 = 165 points.

Average of these five games = 165 points / 5 games = 33 points per game.

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